Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Part II

.....So Matt and I did talk. He couldn't understand why I was nervous about being on the road late

1. On New Years Eve

2. When it's foggy

He said that he'd lived in Yolo County his entire life and that he'd always driven and been driven in the fog. Of course, he has nothing on me as far as that goes (except for being five years older) because I too have lived here my whole life. He simply could not understand why I was fretting about something that he didn't worry about. In the end, I talked with our good friend Sara who was driving herself along with her husband and daughter to the same place that night. She stressed to me that she wanted to get home early and that it was no problem for us to catch a ride. In the end, we went to the party and had a good time and were home by 10:30. The funniest part is that by the time we were driving home, the fog had cleared! One of my worries was no longer an issue, but that didn't change the fact that it's still not the safest thing to be driving around on that night with all the crazys!!

In other news, I don't know if I've mentioned that 2009 will be the year of babies!!!! Not my babies, but our close friends and family. The first due date is Bonnie's. She is due on February 17th (but I think she'll deliver early - maybe on Matt's birthday?). Bonnie and her husband Jerod do not know if they're having a boy or a girl, but my guess is a boy. Their names are Jackson and Maria. The next baby is that of Sara and Justin. Sara is due on February 20th and is having another girl (Ruby Clair will be 3 in March) and her name is going to be Ella Lee. I predict that she will have a birthday of February 21st or 22nd. Next in line, Mica and Andy Ingram. Mica is Matt's cousin on his Mom's side and she and her husband live in Texas. Mica is due on April 14th and they are having a little boy. It's their first baby together, Andy has a son, AJ, from a previous marriage - he's an awesome kid and is excited to have a brother. No word on a name yet for baby boy Ingram. And last (but that could change as the year is still young!) is my dear cousin Jordan. Her and I are the same age and were married within less than four months of one another. She and her husband Nick are due to have their first baby on June 20th. Exactly nine months from the date of their wedding!!! Funny huh? They don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, but Jordan wants to find out and Nick doesn't. The big ultrasound is scheduled for February 4th. I had a dream the other night that they had a little girl and named her Kendall. So, my prediction is a girl : ) 

Okay, there's my first post of 2009! Cheers to lots of little babies!!!!!

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