Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Our "Trashy" Neighbor

My husband and I live in a little cul-de-sac in a nice part of town. On any given Saturday, you can walk by our court and see polite children riding bicycles and playing hopscotch, a retired lady planting spring blossoms, and husbands mowing lawns while their wives sit in the garage sipping a beer and gazing lovingly in their direction, showing their support (you can totally tell that last part is Matt and I, huh?). But then...dun da dun da.......oh, the HORROR.....a woman, with crazed eyes and frizzy hair will step out of her pink house. The polite children, retired lady, and husbands and wives scatter to safety. It's each man for himself. Run residents of Ivie Place, RUN!!!!!!!!

Seriously, our neighborhood is PERFECT. With the exception of this one neighbor. Her name is Brenda. And she. is. awful. Just awful. Now, I usually try to find it in my heart to be kind. Because you truly never know what your neighbor is going through. I get that. But, it's just impossible with her. Plain un-doable. There is a bit of history with my family and Brenda. The short story is that my husband's family's construction business built her house. This is actually how Matt and I came to live where we do, but that's another story. Anywho, built her house, she sued because she is ridiculous, she settled out of court and put in the settlement that she receive a plunger back. End of story, yes? NO! Very much not the end of the story. And that is why I am rambling like an idiot on my blog. I need your help...

See....Brenda has this thing that she does. She doesn't have trash toters. Here in CA, we call them toters, but I know that in other places they are referred to by different titles. I'm talking about the containers that the waste management/trash pick up company give you to deposit your trash in. They then come and pick them up once a week. We pay $65 every other month for this service, as do all of our neighbors. With the exception of Brenda of course. See....she will wait until every Friday when Matt takes our toters to the curb. Then, while we're at work, she will sneak over and put HER trash into OUR toters. So, she doesn't have to pay for garbage service, see? Here's the question....what do I do? Should I pull out what I know is her trash the next time I see it in the toter and leave it on her front porch (yes I know this is very passive-aggressive of me, but it really is my first choice because I'm that kind of bitchy)? Do I try and call the city/garbage service and "tattle"? Do I approach her personally? Do I ignore it because, really, it's not THAT big of a deal and I shouldn't waste so much time and energy? HELP!!!!! 

PS: If you made it this far, please, please, pretty please leave a comment. You're a super star for getting through my pissing and moaning novel of a post and I would love to hear your opinion. Just be nice and don't tell me that I'm an a-hole that needs to get over it, okay? Thanks : )


The Martha Complex said...

Found your blog through One porkchop - I have no idea what I would do... I think maybe I would stake out and try to catch her in the act then walk up to her & start a conversation... Hey Brenda, did you never get a toter? lol

Unknown said...

Ok, wow - WTF?! You can leave this note on your garbage can:

"Dear Frizzy Haired Lady,

I am well aware of your trashy shenanigans. I have setup a sting with the local PD. If you so much as put a used Kleenex into this toter (that's the most hilarious name for a trash can, btw), the cops will jump out of the bushes and spray your face with pepper spray. If you still don't comply, they will taz you. Have you ever seen Cops? It's not pretty. So, I suggest you quit being a cheap-ass and pay the $65 to have the waste department pick up your used bags of catfood and People Magazines from your OWN house."

How's that?