Friday, December 5, 2008

Just for fun......

.....I'm making a list of things I hate, followed by things I love....

Things I HATE:

Driving in the fog. When people think they know something about everything (ie know it alls). Black licorice. People that interrupt. Windy days. When animals or babies are hurt. Beets. Spiders. That there are people who would be wonderful parents, and can't have children and people who are terrible parents, yet can pop babies out like a gumball machine. That there are hungry people in the world. Stupid drivers. Doing dishes. That my Dad is not still here. Being cold. Watching golf on TV. People who cannot be compassionate. Public restrooms. That my husband has to endure getting a shot once every week. Critcal and judgemental people. The Wal-Mart parking lot and check stands. People that always have to be talking and can't just be quiet. Being sick. Techno music. Obnoxious people. Raw chicken. That my house will never be the same kind of clean now that we have dogs. That I'm not closer with my brother. When people hurtfully make fun of others. That I can't save every homeless animal there is. Sand in my shoes. The cry a baby makes when they are hurting. The smell of gasoline. When my Mom says that I "turned my nose up at it". That Bonnie does not live closer. Bad friends. The Sees candies that have marshmellows in the middle. Liars. Parallel parking. Cleaning out my closet. Shoes that are super cute, but unwearable because they hurt your feet after 20 minutes. The snow. Monday mornings. Dishes in the sink. Flies. People who don't know how to drive boats and be courteous and jetskiers. The way my heart twists when Matt cries. Things that I have no control over. When people blame. Drama queens. 

Things I LOVE:

My husband, Mom, Brother, and the rest of our family and friends. Our house. Being with my entire family on holidays. That Matt puts up with me being sensitive. Snuggling on the couch when it's raining. Curling up with a huge blanket and watching a movie. Sushi. Decorating the Christmas tree with Matt. Our neighborhood. Our dogs. My orange laundry room. Hot showers. My Shows - 90210, Private Practice, Grey's and Lipstick Jungle. The beach. A fountain soda when I'm hungover. Meaningful talks. Stephanie's laugh. Pictures. Vodka. Old movies. Swimming. That I rescued a Doberman. Wrapping Christmas presents. Clean sheets. Appetizers. Going on trips with Matt. Concerts. Reading. Shopping with my Mom. The sound of highheels on a hard surface. Summer time. The cabin. Random acts of kindness. People watching. The boat. Hanging with James and Tiff, talking and drinking. Barns. Almond Rocha. The ride back into the launch after being on the boat all day. Babies. The smell of fireworks. Veterans. Long weekends. San Luis Obispo. Staying in hotels. Weddings. Farmer's Markets. Traveling. Finding a really great bar that makes the best bloody marys. My birthday. Dolphins. Unconditional love. Pulling into our culdesac and seeing Matt's truck in the driveway. When my dogs listen. That Matt made one of my best friends my sister too. That my Dad wrote letters to us before he died. When my family talks about my grandparents. The fourth of july. Tropical resorts. Memories. BBQ's. The country. Dancing.  Getting dressed up. Cooking. The feeling of productivity. Big purses. Being there for someone. God. Getting a card in the mail. Cocktail parties. Green pastures, surrounded by white fences. Our Friend's Thanksgiving. My strength. The way Matt proposed to me. The way that I feel when I walk out of the office and to my car on a Friday afternoon. Sleeping. Going to Jason's with Matt on Christmas Eve. Popcorn. Rollercoasters. Making someone smile. When my toenails are painted. Going out to dinner. Shell Beach with Matt and a six pack. The first minute of the New Year. The last day of school. When someone unexpectedly makes my day. Traditions. A full tank of gas and a clean car. The way my hair feels right after I get it cut. Girls nights. Music. Rodeos. The Fair. A good bottle of wine. Working with Amy. Being married. Having the family, friends and life that I do.

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