Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Things I Hate

A compilation of things that I hate, in no particular order. And don't worry, this will be followed up by a "Things I Love" post. I'm not just a hater!


People that mistreat animals

Fog and wind

Egg nog

When people only pretend to listen

My feet being dirty

Black licorice


That there are people who would give their right arms to have children and can't, and that there are also people who can pop babies out like a tick tack dispensor and don't appreciate/care for/love them.

That there are times when I can't help but be overly sensitive

People that have no patriotism and do not support our armed forces

Line cutters

Unloading the dishwasher


Inconsiderate people

Most stand up comedy

People that feel entitled for no reason


Ear aches



Getting car sick

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