Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just Another Day...

So, being that yesterday was Menu Plan Monday, I didn't capitalize on the events of my weekend. Being that it was Father's Day, the annual trip the cabin for Jeff took place. Due to recent events and scheduling of other trips, I made the decision to stay home this year. Many things factored into this...we had just been camping the previous weekend, and are due to camp again this coming weekend. I wanted to be home for a weekend, get our house back in order, have some time to myself, be with my Mom a little, heck, just BE! So, Matt left Thursday morning to head to Tahoe and I was left to my own devices. 

On Thursday, I took dinner out to my cousin and her husband. They had just had their new baby on Monday, so I think it was a nice break for them. I was able to hold little Laine for a while and got a baby fix in! Friday, I had dinner with Bonnie and her family. That group always provides a nice time. Saturday morning I went and used a gift certificate that I had for a one hour massage. Then, my Mom and I had lunch. I went grocery shopping, got a pedicure to round out the pampering of the day, and attended a graduation party that evening. Surprisingly, I was out unitl 1:00 am!!!! It was a lot of fun. Matt made the ride down from Tahoe on Sunday morning so that he could join me in going out on our neighbors boat. We went to Lake Berryessa for the day and had a great time. We finished out the weekend by grilling dinner at James and Tiffs Sunday evening.

All in all, a very nice weekend. I miss the heck out of my husband, but was happy that he was able to come home Sunday morning. 

One random thing....Jon & Kate Gosselin. Now, I will admit (reluctantly) that I have been watching what has been aired of this couple since 2004. That's right, before there was Jon & Kate Plus Eight, there was "Surviving Sextuplets and Twins" and I was a viewer. What a change a few years can make. It saddens me to compare the couple in that first hour long Discovery Channel special to what they have become. Especially for their children. It was announced yesterday that they are divorcing. So sad, so preventable. 

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