Monday, June 22, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Alright, to start my BlogOlympics....Menu Plan Monday. I have a bit of a disclaimer: I only have a couple of nights planned, the reason being that we are going camping this weekend, and so Thursday night is kind of a "we'll eat what we feel like when we feel like it" kind of night. Also, Matt cooks dinner one night a week, and I don't always know what it is that he'll do (though I give him ideas, we usually eat out that night!). 

Monday: Shrimp, Mushroom and Asparagus Pasta with garlic bread.

Tuesday: Salmon Cakes with mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts

Wednesday: Matt's Night. I have suggested that he grill a type of meat and some veggies, but we'll see what happens.

Thursday: Who knows??? We may meet some friends for dinner to make a game plan for camping. If not, we'll more than likely have left overs.

So, there you have it. The first installment of Menu Plan Monday. I must say, I think that in the future I'm going to like not having to go to the grocery store 3 times per week. To make this work, I pull a few recipes from my cookbooks (or find new recipes online) and then make my grocery list for what I need to put them on the table. This week, I went grocery shopping Saturday afternoon, but more than likely it will usually be on Sunday mornings as sleeping in is now impossible for me and the store is DEAD at 7:30 on a Sunday!

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