Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hello there! Long time, no blog. I know I still need to finish up the details from my trip in APRIL, but I haven't finished downloading all of the pictures because I'm a lazy one, but I really don't want to blog my trip without the pictures. So.....let the waiting game proceed!

In other news, school started back up on August 16th. I am taking two classes, chemistry and human development. It's not wonderful, but it isn't awful either. I was able to submit my very first nursing school application last week to American River College. I'll find out on December 10th if I've been accepted. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Matt and I have decided that we are going to go through with an addition to our home. We're going to take the Fall and Winter seasons to decide exactly the layout we want, what our budget is, and many other details and then in the Spring will begin "Tear Our House Apart 2011". Should be fun. At least we have the foresight to do this before kids come along!

I've been training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon with a group through Fleet Feet in Davis since August 10th. We meet twice a week to train for the big run. On Tuesdays, it's a light workout that's usually done at the UC Davis track. Every Saturday is our long run. We started with 5 miles and have since worked up to running 9 miles!!!!! I never in my life thought I would be able to run 9 miles without stopping, but I can! This Saturday will be 10. I am so very excited about this accomplishment and cannot wait to complete my first half marathon in October.

That's all for this update!! Have a great day : )

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