Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blog People

Tonight, I have a heavy heart. Actually, truth be told, my heart has been heavy for a couple of days. You see, there's this blog that I read. I don't recall how or where I stumbled across it (as is the case with most of the blogs that I follow), but I can tell you that reading posts from this blogger has become a part of my life. I have read about her battles with infertility, pregnancy, and finally motherhood. She became pregnant for the second time in late Spring of 2010 - with twins. Ecstatic yet experiencing all of the other emotions that come with this news, she shared with myself and hundreds of others about her journey. It was not an easy one. There were complications with the pregnancy, and it came to be found that one twin was not growing as big as the other one. She was put onto bed rest. She was monitored. She was seen by the doctor all. the. time. Still, after all of this, she kept her sense of humor and in her blogging filled us in on the goings on of her two babies - girls. At 32 weeks, she was admitted to the hospital. She updated her blog. The doctors thought that the smaller baby might need to be born sooner rather than later. She updated her blog. It was determined that both babies needed to be born. She updated her blog.

On Friday morning I checked my updates. A blog had been written with the babies names as the title. I clicked on it. I read about how the babies had been born the day before. About how the small baby was fighting in the NICU. About how the bigger, healthier baby was with her and her husband. For now. It seems that the bigger baby, who wasn't really worried about during the pregnancy, had passed away.

Reading those words devastated me in a way that I had not experienced ever. No, I don't personally know this blog author. But, I kind of do. She has allowed me into her life through many trials and tribulations. She has made me smile, cringe, smirk and think. So, even though I've never met her and probably never will, it affected me to receive this news. Especially from a person that I can count on to be comical even in the worst of times.

And now, in my heavy hearted state, all I can do is pray and send thoughts her way. I hope that I can ask any one who may read this to do the same. I simply cannot imagine what she is going through now, and what she will endure not only in the coming weeks, but for the rest of her life. There just aren't words to say how much I wish this were not happening to her....

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