Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Last Decade

Happy New Year!! 2010 was a year with good and bad. I have no resolutions for the new year, because I don't do that. I have the opinion that you can set goals and achieve them any time, not just January first.

Being that it's the start of a new decade, I thought I would do a recap not of the last year, but of the last ten years.....

2000: turned fifteen. Got learners permit to drive. Began sophomore year in school.

2001: turned sixteen. Got drivers license and first car. 1983 Oldsmobile Cutlass. It had velvet upholstery.

2002: lost Dad. That event pretty much defined that entire year.

2003: turned eighteen. Graduated from high school. Began working at current job. Started classes at community college. Met Matt.

2004: Life seemed to be in limbo this year. Nothing truly stands out about it.

2005: Decided to change my major from nursing to accounting.

2006: A lot of things changed in my relationship with Matt, for the better. Turned 21, went on a cruise.

2007: Moved in with Matt. Got engaged.

2008: Graduated with my AS in Accounting. Got married : ) Decided that I really do want to be a nurse.

2009: Continued with pre reqs for nursing school. Lots of babies were born. Celebrated one year of marriage.

2010: Applied to first nursing school. Got denied. Had many friendships that grew. Made some decisions about how I want to live my life.

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