Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Hodge Podge

I don't have a proper post for today, so instead I'm throwing a bunch of bullets out there!

  • I had a great weekend. Activities included: fixing our side yard gate so that our circus freak lab can no longer escape and wander the streets, going to the motocross track to watch my husband ride and having Stephanie and Jason join me, an engagement party for our friends Cody and Anika (the appetizers were de to the lish!), breakfast at Denny's, and lots of trash TV time. My weekend did not include 3 days like most everyone else though. For that, I am pissed.

  • Weight Watcher's is going well. Much better than The Flat Belly Diet. Fruits and vegetables are zero points on WW. I like that. I am a snacker and being a snacker of fruits and vegetables is good for you. Yay me!

  • Today is the first day of school for the Spring semester. I am taking Pharmacology and Speech. I am nervous. Nervous about Pharmacology because it's a television course. I am new to this. We shall see how it goeth. I am nervous about Speech because, come on, it's SPEECH. I have to talk. Alot. In front on people I don't know. Luckily, my college offers a group speech class. I'm in that one. I hope it's not as scary as regular speech. My friend Rachel says it isn't scary at all, but I'm not sure I believe her. I'll let you know if she ends up being a liar or not.

  • My husband is driving a fast race car tomorrow because his Mom is cool and that's what she got him for his birthday. I will feel as if I'm going to puke until he calls me to tell me it's over.

  • I just registered for a 10K run on February 6th. This disturbs me for two reasons. #1 It's less than three weeks away and I have not run over 3 miles in far too long. #2 It's on Superbowl Sunday. It encourages me for one reason. It's on Superbowl Sunday. And let's face it, after running 6 miles I'll be able to munch a TON of Superbowl goodies without feeling bad or going over my points. WW will be happy. Yay me!

  • Matt and I had a date night last night. It was fun. We went to an early dinner at a sushi joint. Then we went to Gap. Then we went to a ski shop. Then we got frozen yogurt. Then we went home and I gave him an injection of Avonex because we're gangsta like that yo.
The end!

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