Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our Life

A little spotlight on what our schedules include....

Things change from week to week or even day to day, but on Mondays we try to have the evening at home. I make dinner, we do Matt's shot and most weeks I do a load or two of laundry. It's nice to have Monday night "stay at home" night after getting back into the work routine from the weekend.

Other weekly events range from boating in the summer to Matt taking a ski day in the winter. I am a professional student, so my life also revolves around homework and studying. At any given time we could have a birthday dinner or engagement party to attend. 

Every Friday afternoon, I keep my cousin's little baby Laine for roughly four hours. LOVE having that time with her and being her special Auntie : ) 

On the weekends, we're just plain crazy!! Ha! Not really though. To be honest, I try to pencil in at least three hours of "lazy" time every Saturday or Sunday. I am a junkie for my shows (thank goodness for DVR!) and I like to have a few hours every weekend to be by myself and watch them in my jammies. It's my me time and it's a necessity for my sanity!

Other events always seem to be present, whether it's having fight night with our group of friends or going to Sacramento to have dinner with Matt's Mom. 

All of this really doesn't sound like it's that much, but it is! Throw in the occasional weekend trip to Tahoe or the coast, trying to keep my house somewhat clean, spending time with our two dogs, grocery shopping, and maybe even a spin class now and then and I can start to feel pretty thinly spread REAL fast!! No complaints though, I love our crazy busy life because at the end of the day, we're together : )

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