Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In The Still of the Night

Ten things I pondered whilst awake from 1:15 am until about 2:30 am....

1. That I needed to bring my camera cord to work so I could upload pictures and blog with them. This didn't happen. So much for that mental note I made at 1:17 am.

2. How much fun Monterey was and that I would like to go back in the not so distant future. Must have more fresh seafood.

3. If the aforementioned trip does in fact take place, I must make it a point to run or participate in some form of exercise on said trip. Hips do not like fresh seafood....or more specifically, creamy clam chowder and fried crab cakes.

4. The big spider that I found in the bathroom prior to going to bed. Seriously? It. was. huge. Here's an example:

Matt and I decided it was maybe a garden spider? I didn't want Matt to kill it, just catch it and take it outside. After dancing a fun little jig in attempt to catch the sucker while I hovered on our bed watching, my wonderful husband was successful at capture and set the little darling free. I proceeded to worry about whether or not the spider had returned to the bathroom between 1:32 and 1:40 am.

5. Weight Watchers. And how wonderfully it works when I don't cheat. I need to get back on the point tracking train, oh, and maybe actually exercise again. I haven't gained weight back. And I don't want to. Also, losing another 15-20 pounds would be super fab.

6. How sticking to #5 may or may not effect # 2 and #3.

7. The bird that lives in the tree in our front yard and how I would very much like for him to go away. I can understand birds making loud, annoying noises at 6 am, but at 1:54 am? Not cool. I wondered how I could relocate him and made a mental note to research the relocation tactics of blue jays. Any input is appreciated. And yes, I've very seriously considered just shooting him. But it hasn't happened yet, and if it ever did I think I would feel bad (see #4).

8. That it drives me nucking futs when co-workers walk into my office and ask, "Are you busy?". The answer that I would like to respond with is:

"Why yes, I am always busy while I'm at work, actually. Aren't you? Do we need to assign you more duties? Can I ask you a favor??? When you need something, please do not ask me if I'm busy under the guise that you're trying to be considerate, because I know that's a load of horse crap. I appreciate those who are direct and up front and would much prefer if you simply came out and requested what it is that you need from me. That way, I can get back to my work in a much more timely fashion after I hold your hand through whatever it is that you think you need help with. Thank you and goodbye."

I know I'm a bitch. This is why I have very few friends, but the ones that I do have love me. So there.

9. Thought of a friend who wants a baby. Said a prayer that a year from now, she will be awake at this time of the night with a baby, and will love every minute.

10. Was thankful that my husband wasn't feeling any side effects from his injection earlier in the evening.

Ahhhhhh....the inner workings of my mind. Aren't they entertaining? No? Oh, okay. Sorry....

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