Thursday, March 24, 2011

My 26th Birthday

I woke up yesterday morning to wind and rain. And a roof leak above our fire place. Kind of a bummer, but since we're getting ready to tear the roof off of our house anyway I figure it's pretty good timing.

The bulk of my day was just normal. Work, lunch, more work. I did leave the office about 2 hours early.

After I left work...I did some relaxing and watched One Born Every Minute. Maybe nerdy of me, but with aspirations of someday being a labor and delivery nurse, I love this show.

When Matt got home (with a gorgeous bouquet of tulips in tow!!) we went and had some drinks with our favorite neighbors. Then, we met my Mom and brother for dinner. It was good times, with three of my favorite people.

My brother got me this shirt, which I love.....

And when I opened my Mom's gift, I kind of lost it.

This is kind of "our" movie. We've watched it together countless times, the first time being on a rainy day when I was about 12. I told her that it was one of the best, most thoughtful gifts ever. I can't wait to watch it!!

Matt made me wait until we got home from dinner to receive his gifts. He did a wonderful job!!

Aside from all of the materialistic chatter from above, I has a truly excellent birthday. I guess I focus on the gifts because my Mom, brother and Matt all make me feel this loved every single day of the year, and not just on my birthday. I am so, so blessed to have them all. Cheers to another wonderful year!

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