Friday, April 15, 2011

Five Question Friday

To join in the fun and give your 5 answers, click here!

1. What is your favorite sign of spring?
Sunny skies and flip flops being broken out of the closet! There's also a lot of flowering trees where I live, so when the buds bloom I always know Spring is here.

2. What was your best birthday ever?
Thus far, my 21st. Matt and I went on a cruise to Catalina and Mexico. It was a blast!

3. What is your favorite dessert?
Not a huge dessert person. I much prefer appetizers to sweets. That being said, any type of gummy candy does the trick for my sweet tooth.

4. What is the best excuse you've ever used to get out of a ticket?
I have NEVER gotten out of a ticket, so I'll tell you about my husband instead. He was 16 years old, driving his Chevy truck down one of the main roads in our town. After being at a four way stop, he gassed it pretty good, peeled out, and roared through the intersection. A cop saw the whole thing and pulled him over for "showboating" or something like that. The officer approached the driver window and told Matt why he had been pulled over. He then asked why in the world Matt would feel the need to do something like that. My husband's response? "Testosterone." He was let off with a warning.

5. Do you wake up before your alarm, with your alarm, or after hitting snooze several times?
Definitely the latter of the three. It physically hurts me to wake up every morning to the alarm. I usually hit snooze once or twice. Then I turn on the news and watch that in bed for 10-15 minutes. THEN I begrudgingly get up and start my day.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!


Rachel @ day2day joys said...

Love your layout! Love flip flops too!

ty said...

Oh Lord, you'd hate me then ... I've been pulled over nine times and never gotten a ticket. I think I just end up with the nicest/dumbest police officers ever :)