Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Whole Lot of Nothing!

My update status is completely underwhelming, I know. Here's the gist of everything:

Had a good weekend. Friday night was spent on the couch with my husband, a take and bake pizza, and a couple of episodes of Friday Night Lights. Saturday I had some girl time with Rachel and Anika. We went to farmer's market, had breakfast and hit up some second hand stores. Then I ran four miles. Then I went to a fundraiser dinner for Skylar's leadership program. Sunday was all about relaxing.

I put in applications to two nursing schools this morning and will apply to two more by the end of the week.

Matt and I had a conversation last night that I thought was funny. You may not think so (probably had to be there) but I want to document it for my (our) own entertainment....

While watching Diners, Drive-ins and Dives we see a beet flash on the screen...

Me: Do you like beets?
Matt: (very enthusiastically) I do actually!!! I like the ones that come out of the can at Thanksgiving!! Those are good, but the regular kind taste like dirt...
Me: (giggling hysterically) Those aren't beets, that's canned cranberries you dork!!! So basically, you don't like beets then?
Matt: Not if we're talking about the ones that taste like dirt!!

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