Friday, August 26, 2011

Blog Challenge

Seven Wants:

1. To have a long, happy, healthy life with all of my family and friends.

2. To finish our house by the end of the year and have at least a couple of weeks to relax and enjoy it before I start nursing school.

3. A fancy camera. I like pictures, and I'm getting better at updating this nifty blog so it would be nice to properly document life.

4. A housekeeper. Seriously? This will be the first thing that I "buy" once I am done with school.

5. A pool. Just add it to the wish list for the house, mmmmmmm-kay?

6. At least one son and one daughter. It's really important to me to experience being the parent of both a boy and a girl. But, I know sometimes there's a bigger, better plan : )

7. To always be thankful. Too often, I focus on things that aren't as important as I make them seem and the things that really matter are unfairly pushed to the back burner.

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