Things I'm Thankful for this week:
That we had a fun and safe Fourth of July. Although the Fourth is my favorite holiday, I constantly worry about someone blowing a hand off or our house catching fire.
Good friends and neighbors. We truly have the best of both. I don't know what I would do without them.
A husband who is super mechanical and was able to fix our boat (we think) without having to pay top dollar at the dealership
Our home. I'm trying to keep in mind that we are sooooo fortunate to have a roof over our heads (and a nice one at that), even when the floors are dirty, there's dishes in the sink, and the bathrooms need to be cleaned!
Again this week, our health. My co-worker's mother goes in for surgery today to get the rest of the malignant tumor removed. And, I realize some people may say, "But Lindsey, your husband has been diagnosed with the beginning stages of MS, why would you say you both are healthy?" The answer is, we both ARE healthy. Even though we are dealing with that whole thing, it's manageble. It's not a death sentence, or even a "sick" sentence. He takes a shot once weekly, meds twice per day, and visits with a doctor at UCSF every few months. The rest of the time, no one would even realize that he's dealing with this. And for that, I'm thankful. It really could be so much worse.
The desire to be healthier. Because let's face it, if the desire weren't there, it simply wouldn't happen.
Onto the weekend.... finally have some pictures to go with my weekend post. Ha!
So, as I mentioned, the holiday weekend worked out so that it was a three day-er for me. Nice! Friday, my Mom and I went shopping in Natomas. We hit up Mimi's first for a delicious breakfast and then headed over to Off Broadway Shoes. My Mom found a few pairs of sandals, and was nice enough to treat me to some cute flip flops (as if I need more, right?). Then, we went into Target. I happened to come across a cute sundress that looks great. I can wear it to work this summer, and also to a wedding that we have in October. Last, we went to Kohl's. The mission on this trip was to find a dress for my friend Shannon's wedding, and the mission was accomplished! I found this dress that wasn't wonderful on the hanger, but looked great on! Yay!!
Saturday was the Fourth of July. In the morning, Matt and Macy took off for some time on the ranch with Gil. I took Cash for a walk, and then cleaned. After that, I vegged on the couch for a bit. Then, I decided I was bored so Skylar and I went on a bike ride. Matt got home, and it was time to get ready to head to my Aunt's house. She does a BBQ for the family every year, and we wanted to make an appearance prior to being at home for the evening with the dogs. Anyway, it was fun for the hour or so that we were there. Right as we were getting ready to head out, Jordan and Nick showed up with Laine. I had to get some baby time in, and Matt even held her. Completely melted my heart!! He's going to be such a great Daddy, but not anytime soon!!!
Saturday evening, we grilled with the entire culdesac. We even had some great friends join us!! Hansi, Bonnie, Jerod and Jackson, as well as Shara and Chase came over. Some how, there isn't a picture of Shara and Chase from that evening, so I'm including a cute one of them from another day : ) 

We had a great Fourth with awesome friends, good food, and great fireworks. The dogs did alright, but we definitely will not be going anywhere in the future. We need to be able to be home with them so that they can stay inside with the television on.
Sunday, we went (where else?) boating with our neighbors. Our boat was still on the outs at this point (but has been fixed since), so we took their boat. We got to the lake at about 10:40 and didn't leave until a little after 7:00. It was a fun day of sun, water, beer and friends!